Golang and GraphQL service generator

2 min readApr 12, 2020

create an account for free at https://ggen.dev and start adding your project. GGen is tool for generate Golang & Graphql code for building api service. it support a sub domain with letsencrypt certified https for your development.

Build for own api service in few minutes.

it allow you create models , and fields and relations. and generate to build own project.

You can test your own graphql api at your-project.ggen.dev

when you are done, let export the project to local if you need customized of your business logics

It does support docker for running on localhost or deployment on hosting provider.

An example video i used ggen integrate with Apollo Client in React app




i’m from a nice city in Vietnam called Danang, where live and did my studies. I love programming, coffee and spending my free time teaching myself new skills.